Welcome to the official Think Slim website and congratulations on making the decision to take action on your health and fitness.
Think Slim covers practically every problem you can imagine in relation to being overweight. In over 400 video and audio sessions in the MindFree app and at the Innermakeover Retreats we help you take control of your weight.
Think Slim helps you tackle the mental components to slimming that get left out of every diet and weight loss programme.
Choose a retreat to attend or start with the MindFree app and you won’t look back.
I look forward to being your motivational support person, your hypnotherapist and mind coach on your journey to your goal weight.
Yours in Slimming and Health

Our 2, 3, 5 and 7 day hypnotherapy retreats help you rewire your mind for success.RETREATS
Join us on a retreat. Unload your emotional baggage and eliminate unhealthy thinking.

Get the MindFree App
Have your own hypnotherapist with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Get the MindFree App
Get a proven, do-it-yourself, take-home hypnosis program.

Book a private session
Get your life back on track with a 5 hour breakthrough session with Mark Stephens.One on one sessions
Our books will give you the inspiration you need and a proven recipe for success.
Mark’s hypnotherapy helped Jordan Tirekidis shed 200 kilos in two years. He can help you, too!
Get your life on track. Spend five life-changing hours one-on-one with Mark.
Hypnotherapist and bestselling author Mark Stephens has helped TV personalities, sporting stars, teenagers, and adults succeed and overcome their challenges. He can help you, too.

“At any time, day or night I can have ‘instant’ assistance and reassurance with a session there to hand. it changed my life.”

I have gone from strength to strength and from my initial weigh-in at 137.6 kgs I have released 39 kgs. I listen to the Think Slim MP4 player daily and it helps keep me on track. I now have a healthy and active lifestyle and am continuing to release the excess weight and reclaim my life.

“Think Slim is brilliant! It provides a whole new area of weight loss!”
I am now 15.5 kgs less than when I started 8 weeks ago. I have not been tempted to eat sweet or starchy food and have no cravings at all. My Professor is so impressed he wants to send all of his patients to you and doesn’t believe me that I haven’t eaten chocolate or cake or even bread and butter since I began.
I have now gone from a lethargic size 20 in November last year to a dynamic, sexy size 12. It feels great to be 25 kilos lighter. Think Slim should be compulsory for anybody overweight.”
“Working through Mark’s visualization techniques has helped me to create the image of body and spirit that I am aiming for. I now fit into a size 14 jeans! I haven’t worn jeans in over 7 years, I nearly cried. Thank you so much”
“I’ve had my stomach stapled years ago and always regretted it. They needed to staple my brain not my stomach. This is helping me think about food and exercise in the right way”
“The hypnotic lap band session was amazing. For me it felt real and continues to do so. going to the retreat was the best thing I have done. Now I am going forward with a 100 % positive attitude to life, my mind is calmer and I am in control for the first time for a very long time.”
“My daughter attended your retreat and I listened to her Think Slim hypnotic session and I have dropped 27 kilos. I had to write and let you know how pleased I am with your program. Thank you once again”
“Mark exhumes an aura of warmth, confidence, trust, calmness, understanding and knowledge. He takes his work seriously and every word spoken is that of someone who has literally committed his life physically and mentally to achieve his knowledge.”
“What a wonderful weekend I had, I feel empowered to take control of my life again. I feel like a million dollars. Again thank you for changing my mind set and my life.”
“Thank you for a truly enlightening weekend. As far as your energy and obvious gift and dedication, experience, and intent I couldn’t rave enough. Life changing experience. I feel richer for the experience. I feel I know myself better. Like someone turned on the light. Deep gratitude.”

“Thank you to Mark and Think Slim for the opportunity to have the upper hand in my fight with the demons of obesity. Even though I am thin, the demons are still waiting for me to let my guard down, but with help from Think Slim and Mark we are winning the obesity war one battle at a time.”
” I believe that the entire program is near faultless. I thank you from the depths of my heart for helping me learn how to change my life to a healthy, active and happy one”
Need help? You are not alone!
Mark Stephens has helped thousands of people just like you. Now it’s your turn!